FFB 840
- FFB 840 is a bias steel-belted tire, suitable for forestry applications with forwarders and harvesters.
- The unique tread design and lug angle provide high traction and low slip abilities for improved fuel economy.
- With extensive inter-lug space provides Excellent self-cleaning properties and functions well with or without tracks, but tracks can be added for more demanding environments.
VDR 901
- Directional Lug with zig-zig blocks
- Reinforced sidewalls and bead zones
- Advance VF technology
- Extra Strong Casing with High Performance Steel belts
VDR 900
- Built to handle 40% more load than a conventional radial tire or the same load at 40% lower pressure.
- VF tires with stronger lugs with larger footprint (Contact Patch) gives Excellent traction with self-cleaning.
- Steel belts provide protection against punctures and distribute uniform ground pressure.